Tag: Anxiety

  • Follow up to foreign objects in my body

    Last month, I had another surgery for the spinal cord stimulator. They had to reposition the battery pack in my backside. It was so painful I was under the impression it was infected. At night time, I laid on my left side it felt like someone was pulling the tissue surrounding the pouch it was…

  • Another…..

    Last night was horrible. I spent the night in my head. It was a brutal and rough fight. Eventually, I was able to humble myself after my daily reading. We came to a mutual agreement. We both went into our respective corners and faded into the night. I thank God for speaking to us. He…

  • Copping with foreign objects in my body

    How do you trick your body into accepting foreign objects? This is a question I am still trying to answer. I received a spinal cord stimulator implant back in 2021. Two different incisions with different components inserted in my upper back and lower bottom. I was aware of  the possible risks evolving the implants. The…

  • Covid -19 days

    I have managed to be covid free for the last two years. I limited my interactions we people. Always had a face mask on, and carried hand sanitizer. Well, it finally caught up with me I’ve been tagged. There is nothing that can prepare you for this virus. Being high risk things can go from…

  • Sharp sword

    I found myself thinking of this song by R kelly and Sparkle “Be careful what you say”. Be careful what you say to me has been circling around in my head. Normally I have thick skin. There are times when people words do get through my wall. They tend to hit me differently.  I grew…

  • Hidden Talent

    Hidden Talent

    Why is it we always think the worst of ourselves. Ever since 2017 my self esteem 🙃 was going down hill. I felt pointless in this world. In 2020 I started rediscovering who I am. My life is not pointless I just had to refocus my life. When you redirect your attention you soon discover…

  • Question for the day…

    Why is it when people see the nasty side of you, they say you must have lost your mind? Well yes we have lost our minds, but you have lost your mind by trying us!!

  • A Karen Day

    Yesterday I had a Karen call my work phone. She went off for a good two minutes before I was allow to say one word. She continues to rant to be honest I had no clue what she was talking about. She was reaching my limit, so I kindly put the phone down press the…

  • Is this what it comes down too?

    Really! We are really playing this game Who has the bigger balls? The earth has been pleaded with a beast called COVID-19 AKA Coronavirus. She doesn’t care about your social status, age, race, family, how rich, or how poor you are. She is a very feisty beast running havoc on the world swallowing us slowly.…

  • My up and down days

    By Painbug As an emotional roller coaster my days are filled with mixed emotions. I can get out the bed feeling good and happy ,but the moment I come into contact with other people its like a different personality comes to light. I become silent and don’t care to be bother with anyone. In some…